Cattlemen to Host Meeting, Auction, and Banquet on March 31
VPG | Mar 27, 2012 | Comments 0
LAMAR – Colorado’s oldest livestock organization will meet March 31st here.
The annual Bent-Prowers Cattle & Horse Growers Association will mark the start of its 143rd year with its annual meeting, auction, banquet and cowboy ball. Events are open to the ranching community.
Registration begins at 12:30 p.m. and the business session starts at 1 p.m. with industry, association and legislative summaries given at the Cow Palace Inn in Lamar. Following a break, sponsored by Farm Credit of Southern Colorado, the association members will consider resolutions including discussion on raising the Beef Check-off and on Country of Origin Labeling, said Bent-Prowers President Lori Chase of McClave. The meeting also will include elections for officers and Baca, Bent, Kiowa, Otero and Prowers county board representatives.
The Southeast Colorado CattleWomen and the Southeast Colorado Junior Cattlemen members also will meet Saturday afternoon at the Cow Palace Inn.
Following the women’s tea, junior bowling and cattlemen’s business meeting, the evening events will continue with the annual Cowboy Punch Bowl social hour, sponsored by Heath & Turpin Trucking, starting at 5:30 p.m.
An auction, to benefit Colorado Cattlemen’s Association building fund, will follow. It will feature framed western sketches by Wiley artist Victor Erickson; a queen-sized quilt handmade by Springfield’s Bonnie Lusk; an original painting of Fisher’s Peak by Lamar’s Mary Lynne Pruett; silver inlaid spurs handmade by Cecil Blasingame of Canyon, TX; a silver belt buckle set, to be personalized with the winning bidder’s brand, created by Walsh’s Don Albert; and a roping dummy on skids, said Chase.
The awards banquet, with a prime rib buffet, will start at 6:30 p.m. Sponsors include Colorado Beef, Colorado East Bank & Trust, Community State Bank of Lamar, Crop Risk Advisors, Frontier Banks of Lamar & Springfield, Legacy Bank of Wiley, McClave State Bank and WW Feed & Supply. The Honorary Life Member Award will highlight the evening. Tickets are $25 per adult for the meal/dance combo & $15 per junior member, with age 8 and under free. Combo tickets are available from any board member, at WW Feed & Supply, or at the door.
The dance, which is open to the public, will run 8 p.m. till midnight also at the Cow Palace Inn. Tickets are $5 per person with music provided by Mac Entertainment.
Bent-Prowers Cattle & Horse Growers Association was organized in 1870. For more information, call 384-4463 or 829-4724.
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