A Fine Time with Wine

Patrons Enjoying Some Samples


From Chardonnay to Shiraz, Lamar area residents had a fine taste of wine and an assortment of hot and cold hors d’oeurvres this past Friday at the Rodeway Cow Palace Inn. The Lamar Chamber of Commerce hosted the third annual wine tasting event in the Inn’s Empire Room.

Adam and Enrique

Attendees could sample a variety of wines from Corner Wine and Liquor, A & B Liquor and Coronica’s with Scott Androes acting as the sommelier for the evening, pouring wine and offering comments on various vintner’s as well as meals that would be highlighted by a selected wine. Adam Germany from Lamar Community College and Enrique Guerrero from the Cow Palace Inn provided food samples ranging from hot and cold meatballs to sushi and bruschetta. The Pit Stop offered a cheese plate and for a sweeter tooth, The Main Street Shoppe provided several selections of popcorn. Viaero Cell Phones in Lamar was on hand with a sign-up contest for a free wine set.

Scott Androes with Samples

Chamber Vice President, Denise Carder, estimated between 75 t0 100 persons were on hand for the Friday evening tasting event.

By Russ Baldwin


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