Scout Camp Breakfast Held at Lamar Elks

Mary Root Presenting Norma Verhoeff with Award

Boy Scout Troop 218 and Cub Scout Pack 223 hosted a fund-raising breakfast at the Lamar Elks Lodge February 16 to help defray expenses for area scouts attending their annual Scout Camp this year.   Representatives from the Rocky Mountain Council of Boy Scouts of America explained the significance of the camp and scouting in general for the eastern plains district, an area south of Eads and east of Las Animas. 

Scouts from their first grade in school to senior Eagles scouts took part in the morning presentation which featured a breakfast of scrambled eggs, bacon, fried potatoes and biscuits, served in individual camping dishes.  Master of Ceremonies, Greg Ludwig, Eagle Scout and Scoutmaster of Troop 218, spoke about the importance of scouting to him personally and to all area youth.  He said the funds raised for the camp help reduce the costs to about $270 per scout for the annual event, a savings of around $140.  

Young Scouts Welcoming the Morning Gathering

A number of scouts took part in the festivities, highlighted that morning with the presentation of the Good Turn Award to Norma Verhoeff, a mother of three Eagles Scouts.  Former scout, Lamar Mayor Roger Stager, a father of an Eagle Scout addressed the gathering on the importance of scouting to himself and his family.

 Those wishing to help fund the camp or year-round scouting activities may make a contribution to Rocky Mountain Council, Inc, Boy Scouts of America, 411 South Pueblo Blvd, Pueblo, CO  81005.

By Russ Baldwin


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