Diane Nye Retiring as Parkview Elementary Principal
Russ Baldwin | Feb 13, 2012 | Comments 0
Diane Nye, Parkview Elementary School President has announced her retirement, effective at the end of this school year. Her retirement and several resignations are a part of the agenda for the Lamar RE-2 School Board meeting set for 6:30pm, February 13.
Callie Evans from Partners for HOPE and Joy Estes, gifted and talented coordinator for Washington Elementary school turned in their resignation last month. Six hirings will be considered by the board of directors; Hazel Kalland and Martha Smith as special education teacher aides at Parkview Elementary School, and Marisa Casarez for Melvin Hendrickson Development Center, Susanna Mitchell for gifted and talented at Washington, Robbie Wilger as assistant for 7-8 grade wrestling at Lamar Middle School, and Riley May as volunteer assistant to the middle school wrestling program. Anita Zavala is being transferred from high school academic advisor to activities director for Partners for HOPE and Dallas Montes is being listed as Classified Substitute/Media Clerk-Secretary-Teacher Aide.
Two travel study trip requests will be considered by the board; gifted and talented from Lamar High School to attend Legislative Day in Denver later this month, and the Lamar Middle School Band to the annual Canon City Blossom and Music Festival in May. A quarterly financial report for the school year will be presented along with the Superintendent’s report. The board is expected to close the meeting with an executive session to discuss personnel matters.
by Russ Baldwin
Filed Under: community • Education • Employment • Featured • Lamar • School • Youth
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