Three Potential PMC Board of Director Candidates Named for Recall Election


Sandra Summers, Karl Clifford Nieschburg and Kathleen (Kathy) R. Henderson will have their names listed as candidates for the Prowers Medical Center Board of Directors on the February 7, 2012 recall election for current board members Candy Ruedeman and Marge Campbell.

PMC board members approved a resolution to set the recall election date during a special board meeting held on December 21 of this past year. The mail in ballot will consist of several questions, asking yes or no for Ruedeman and/or Campbell to be recalled from their PMC board seats. The ballot will also have the names of Summers, Neischburg and Henderson listed. A voter must check a yes or no vote for Ruedeman and Campbell in order for any votes for the three successor candidates to be counted. A vote for the replacements only, will not be counted.

The recall election will have several possible outcomes. Either both board members are recalled by majority vote, or neither would be recalled from lack of a majority vote and remain on the board, or one of the two may remain as board members and the other would be recalled. Qualified voters in the Prowers County Hospital District will vote for the recall of Campbell and Ruedeman separately. The successor candidates, if necessary, will be appointed in order of majority votes they receive to be replacements on the PMC board of directors. The three successor candidates met the requirements and the nomination deadline stipulated by the Designated Election Official appointment by Prowers Medical Center. Affidavits of Intent to be a Write-In Candidate on the ballot must be submitted to the DEO by Thursday, January 18, 2012. The mail in ballots are expected to be sent to qualified voters this month.

By Russ Baldwin


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