Holly Commercial Club Meeting Minutes, Jan. 4, 2012

The Holly Commercial Club Meets the First Wednesday of the Month at Noon

Prayer was said by Kathy Leathers and a delicious lunch was served by the Methodist Church.
Call to order at 12:25 pm by Vice President Tracie Kalma. Attendance roll sign-in sheet was passed around, 13 people were present.
Minutes; were read out loud for all present to hear. A motion for the December minutes to be approved was made by Cynthia Simon and seconded by Marsha Willhite, approved unanimously.                       

Treasurer’s report was distributed by Jill Briggs with income/expense spreadsheets for those present to view. 

The Shopper Report was distributed by John Golden with a net gain of $21.90.  

Old Business:
Pearl Reyman suggested that the two ladies that volunteered for the judging position for the Christmas Lightning Contest should be given a gift certificate for $20 for the Heart of Country and a thank-you card from the Commercial Club. Pearl Reyman will take care of this. Amy Pierce made a motion to approve and Kathy Leathers seconded the motion, passed unanimously. 

Marsha Willhite spoke of promoting business versus entertainment as the menu for the Commercial Club in 2012 and suggested hiring business or motivational speakers to promote growth ideas. Economic growth and development has been on the rise since the tornado struck the town and the governing body of the Town of Holly also wants to promote growth. Marsha welcomed new ideas and concepts. Pearl Reyman supported this idea and recalled many speakers in past years at the Commercial Club meetings. Calvin Melcher recommended contacting Lamar Community College for a list of speakers available and Marsha mentioned she may have that list via e-mail. Marsha extended an invitation for other businesses to attend as well. 

John Golden suggested inviting youth groups to Commercial Club meetings such as the Wrestling team one meeting and the Basketball team another to encourage future growth and participation in our area. John mentioned that Michael Daskum may be interested in presenting information on drip system technology and this may draw the public to attend. John also suggested that Gateway Products may be interested in presenting their products at a meeting or we could include the Sherriff’s department to give a presentation on Business Security, Reyman’s could promote their fresh meat business. These presentations could be presented at different meetings to promote outside attendance and increase participation for the Commercial Club. 

Marsha Willhite invited the Executive Board to consider growth ideas and to work up new people for officer positions. Nominations for officers will occur after the Executive Board has met. 

Jill Briggs and John Golden reported on Christmas Activities in Holly and mentioned some of the many winners. 

Nola Mae Ice commented on the Children’s Christmas movie success of 123 children attending and each child received popcorn and bottled water on the way into the movie and a box of crayons donated by Ralph Plummer on the way out of the movie. The Library Club intends to furnish another free Christmas movie in 2012. 

New Business:
The Holly Shopper Newsletter Committee will meet at 2 pm at Cynthia Simon’s today, January 4. 

Jill Briggs spoke about the TANF Project for volunteer workers at local businesses in exchange for food stamps. These workers can not replace an employee put are in addition, at no cost to the business. These volunteers can work on a farm or in an office in town. They are available to work 32 hours a week and must be supervised. Worker’s Compensation will be paid for by the County. Interested parties should speak to Colorado East Bank and Trust, Kammie Cathcart. 

Viola Melcher made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 1:10 pm and Pearl Reyman seconded the motion. Thanks were given for a delicious meal.  

Respectfully submitted by Amy Pierce

Filed Under: BusinessChamber/Local BusinesscommunityCountyEconomyEducationEmploymentEntertainmentHollyRecreationTourism


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