Simple Pleasures

Willow Creek Park as Viewed from Pike's Tower

There’s a line in a classic oldie from singer James Taylor’s, “Sweet Baby James”, about how, “the Berkshires were dream-like on account of that frostin”. He was referring to how that western Massachusetts County appeared to him one winter morning as he hit the road to go on tour. Portions of Prowers County offered that same dream-like appearance, especially in Willow Creek Park this past Saturday morning, December 10.

The Friday fog froze to the trees, leaving a short visit from Jack Frost before the sun warmed us up. While the adults were planning another weekend of frantic holiday shopping, two young friends, totally unconcerned with grown-up stuff, hit the slopes for a few short runs on a sled, mostly built for one, but if you squeezed real hard, two could enjoy the slippery slope for as long as they could hold on.

By Russ Baldwin

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