Business of the Week – Guihen’s Lumber & Landscape

You help your community thrive when you shop locally! Be sure to read The Prowers Journal each week when we highlight a featured Business of the Week.

This week we spotlight Guihen’s Lumber and Landscape at 1006 East Olive in Lamar, owned and operated by Gordon Guihen.

It has become widely known that when Gordon Guihen puts his mind to something, it may as well be considered done. His locally owned business has been no exception. He had a vision in 1976 when he purchased the Midwest Seed Company to transform it to full line home center, complete with all the necessary materials to either build your dream home or simply add color to an already existing lawn. Over the years, his vision has not only become a reality, but has become the “go to” store for not only the needed project supplies, but for the individual customized guidance one often needs when tackling something new and challenging.

His immediate transformation began with the name when he added the lumber attribute making it Midwest Seed and Lumber Company. But when the farmers associated “Midwest Seed” to “Midwest Seed and Feed,” and kept popping in hoping to feed their livestock, Gordon decided he was tired of turning away confused customers. “We need a name to say who we are and what we do!” So after deciding on a name and involving the community in a “Guess Our New Name” contest, “Guihen’s Lumber and Landscapes” was born.

The years came and went way too quickly, some better than others. Janice Guihen, who claimed they would not still be running the business 20 years down the road, is still the spear header in the lawn and garden department almost 35 years later and valued in the community as the “Ultimate Green Thumb.” Unfortunately, Gordon was blessed with 3 daughters, none of which acquired the green thumb or the appreciation of home improvement, so he was forced to look for an apprentice elsewhere. Luckily, Bryan Herrera, a local high schooler at the time, showed real promise. Bryan came on in 1995 as a high school junior, and as an added bonus mentored his two younger brothers to help out when he was not available. Bryan has been an invaluable addition to Guihen’s and often the brains behind many improvements. His business degree from Adams State and his experience in the industry makes him a natural future owner of Guihen’s Lumber and Landscapes, with the authority to change the name once again.

Until then, Guihen’s continues to be a staple in the Lamar community providing the utmost in customer service. They pride themselves on being members of the Do It Best organization and combine their purchases with 4100 stores to keep prices competitive. Orders are delivered weekly if the products you need are not immediately available on our shelves. Providing the opportunity to shop locally and not have to turn to the “big box” stores for your needs has always been a goal of Guihen’s. Not that there is anything wrong with those stores who specialize in everything under the sun. Some people like wandering around vast buildings while numerous sales people pass by with more important things to do than assist customers. Sometimes we all have hours to kill. But if you don’t, rest assured that shopping locally will not only save you money, but time as well. Guihen’s values their customers and prefers to call them clients and friends. Plus, with the top of the line products at Guihen’s, such as Benjamin Moore paint and Hunter Douglas window coverings, you know the quality of the products can’t be beat. They will also personally assist you with any special order products as we are well aware, when it comes to home improvement, there is no “one size fits all.”

Guihen’s remains grateful to those who have made their progress possible and they look forward to serving Southeast Colorado in years to come!

Filed Under: Business of the WeekChamber/Local BusinessEconomyEmploymentFeaturedLamar


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