323 Happier Holidays


Boxes Containing Gift Stockings for Overseas Military


One of Several Hundred Stockings, Ready to Go Overseas

Three hundred-twenty-three overseas soldiers will enjoy an extra gift for their holiday this year, thanks to the generosity of citizens, community groups and Peacock Funeral Chapel in Lamar.

Free Christmas stockings were available at Peacock Funeral Chapel for anyone who wanted to decorate and fill them with various small gifts. The stockings had to be filled and returned by December 1, in time for shipping overseas. The deadline was met and 323 stockings were delivered to the Lamar Post Office on November 30, ready for travel to Afghanistan. John Sykes from Peacock Funeral Home said he was given the names of two local soldiers, and through various contacts, arrangements were made to distribute 200 stockings to one battalion and the balance would be distributed to smaller units in another military outfit.

Various schools and youth groups including DECA, pre-schoolers, banks and businesses and private citizens contributed to filling the stockings. Clay Peacock said the gifts were items such as batteries, cd’s, hard candy, lip balm and sanitizers and colognes. The simple surprise and pleasure of receiving an unexpected gift will go a long way to make up for not being home for the holidays for some members of our armed forces.

By Russ Baldwin


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