NWS Pueblo, Hydrology Report, November

Temperatures for October were generally 0 to 2 degrees above average across south central and southeast Colorado.  The primary observation sites at Pueblo, Colorado Springs and Alamosa were 1.4, 1.8 and 0.4 degrees above average, respectively. 

Precipitation in October was variable.  The primary sites at Pueblo, Colorado Springs were 0.54 and 0.01 inches above average, respectively.  The primary site at Alamosa was 0.19 inches below average. 

Streamflow was generally near average at the end of October.  Soil moisture was near or below average.  Overall reservoir storage was below average.  At the end of September, the Arkansas Basin reported 88% of average storage overall, while the Rio Grande Basin reported just 47% of average storage. 

The outlook for November through January from the National Weather Service Climate Prediction Center indicates that temperatures will most likely be above average while precipitation will most likely be near or below average. 

Year to Date Precipitation Totals from selected reporting stations, as of November 4, 2011 

Springfield                    6.44 inches
Campo                            7.18
Walsh                             5.96
Las Animas                    8.24
Eads                              11.05
Sheridan Lake             12.66
Cheraw                           8.40
Swink                              8.40
La Junta                          7.86
Rocky Ford                     7.39
Holly                              11.55
Lamar                            10.93
Wiley                               5.52


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