RE-2 School Board Meets October 10

Superintendent David Tecklenburg’s Report to the school board on Monday evening will review the recent Parkview Bomb Threat as well as the school budget for 2011-2012.  Additional discussions that evening will focus on Urban Renewal taxes for the District, an update on student enrollment, school bus bids, the use of the modular building at Lincoln School and the CASB Convention. 

The District Accountability Committee By-laws, Membership and Charges will also be discussed as well as a board resolution regarding Proposition 103, a measure approving increases to the Colorado State Tax.  The item will appear on the November General Election ballot, and if approved, will provide an additional $2.9 Billion in taxes to be used for public education.  The proposal will sunset after five years. 

Several Travel Study Requests will be considered by the Board including:  FFA to Indianapolis in October for the National Convention and to Oklahoma in November for Career Development Events; Gifted and Talented students to Colorado Springs in February for the Optimist Brain Bowl Tournament and to Denver in March for the Championship; and for Gifted and Talented to New York in March. 

The board will also consider three hiring’s for extra duty and Policy Revisions for support staff recruiting and hiring, staff personal leave and compulsory attendance ages. 

The board meeting will begin at 7:30pm at the administration building on West Pearl Street in Lamar.


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