Prowers Lodging Tax Panel Funds Two Projects
Russ Baldwin | Oct 19, 2011 | Comments 0
The 10th Annual High Plains Snow Goose Festival will be held February 23-25 next year. Shawna Hodge, Lamar Main Street Director informed the panel board, that a new Festival logo, in recognition of the event’s first decade, is being developed. Hodge presented a marketing plan for various forms of advertising to reach several border states, as well as national publications. The Panel approved the request for $5,642 to cover the advertising budget. The state Division of Wildlife is seeking recognized speakers in the bird-watching field and contributing funding to the annual event, as well as SECORHT, the regional heritage tourism group. Several hundred visitors from in and out of state attend the Festival.
The Panel also approved a request of $2,250 for contract fees for the 2012 14 & Under, Midwest Plains Regional Baseball Tournament, as presented by Skip Ruedeman. The five day tournament will be held in Lamar the first week of August, featuring teams from eight states. Host families are used to house players for the double elimination event, but parents of the youngsters will be staying in local motels.
Carla Scranton, Panel Secretary remarked that they received a check from the state for $0.71 for taxes paid by local motels in the second quarter. The Panel uses funds to support tourist oriented events in the county based on a 2% tax on motel rooms used through the year. The Panel has been seeking specific information on how the state determines how much funding will be sent to them, and when it will be sent. It was noted, it cost the state about $28 dollars to process and mail the check. State Representative Wes McKinley has been asked to help find some answers to these questions.
By Russ Baldwin
Filed Under: Business • Chamber/Local Business • County • Economy • Entertainment • Events • Festival • Lamar • Recreation • Tourism
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