Granada Playground Taking Shape


Jungle gym at Granada Playground Site

The rainy weather from this past Saturday, October 8, postponed the work scheduled for the construction of all the playground equipment at the Granada Park. Mayor Leslie Baca said the work will be done mostly by volunteers and with some help from Summit Recreation, the playground suppliers. Some work was completed last weekend, while additional pieces of equipment are being assembled over a couple of days.

The town of Granada teamed up with the school district to apply for a GOCO grand to fund new equipment for the playground, as well as field lights and bleachers for the high school. The total cost of the project is $277,386, but the grant covered only $192,000. The balance came through in-kind contributions and cash matches.

When completed, the playground will be equipped with a module that offers three slides and various other pieces of equipment geared for kids of different ages.

By Russ Baldwin

Filed Under: BusinesscommunityEducationEntertainmentFestivalGranadaHealthRecreationSchoolSportsYouth


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