4-H Kicks Off A New School Year

CSU Extension Website

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – October 21, 2011

By Lacey Mann, CSU 4-H Extension Agent, Bent & Prowers Counties

Southeast Area— Over 11,000 adults shared a most precious gift – their time – with Colorado 4-H youth in 2010-2012. Those numbers have steadily been increasing and we are fortunate to have numerous adult volunteers in the Southeast Area 4-H program.

The majority of our volunteers are involved in direct service with youth – teaching, guiding and advising them in community-based groups. It has been and continues to be the foundation of 4-H. Our 4-H program invites you to consider becoming a volunteer in our program.

A person doesn’t have to have a degree in a specific field to become a volunteer in the 4-H program. As long as you have a passion for working with children and an interest in a certain area, we will utilize your strengths with appreciation.

The majority of volunteers are actually recruited by existing volunteers – friends, neighbors, acquaintances, and parents of children who ask other parents. There are many ways to volunteer – as a club leader, project leader, chaperone, activity leader, and much more. Many clubs are using a lateral leadership model where they utilize volunteers for short, specific leadership activities such as enrollment, fundraising and community service.

If you or your child is interested in joining 4-H or you would like further information on the 4-H program, please contact your local CSU Extension Office; Baca County 719-523-6971, Bent County 719-456-0764, Cheyenne County 719-767-5716, Crowley County 719-267-5243, Kiowa County 719-438-5321, Otero County 719-254-7608, Prowers County 719-336-7734. 4-H is a cooperative effort between CSU Extension and the County.

Contact: Lacey Mann

CSU Extension Agent

4-H Youth Development

(719) 336-7734

Email: lacey.mann@colostate.edu

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Filed Under: AgriculturecommunityEducationYouth


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