RE-2 Board Approves Personnel Changes; Policy Revisions
Russ Baldwin | Sep 14, 2011 | Comments 0
Almost two dozen policy revisions were approved on second reading by members of the Lamar Re-2
Board of Education during Monday night’s monthly meeting, September 12. Areas such as Code of Conduct, Bidding Procedures, Social Networking, Bullying Prevention and Education, Environmental and Safety Programs, School Closings and Cancellations and Physical Education were approved.
Several Travel Study Requests were approved including: the high school football team traveling to CSU Pueblo on October 22 to watch a football game; high school members of the Knowledge Bowl Team travelling to Regional Meets in Pueblo on four occasions; participation of the Knowledge Bow Team on “Matchwits” Competition in Pueblo in October and November, and one request was tabled for additional discussion for Gifted and Talented Students for next year.
Under Personnel actions, the board approved Bob Seay’s resignation from extra duties for Assistant Drama/Thespians at LHS and the hiring of four persons for extra duty assignments at the high school and one for the middle school: John Gersick for the Jr. Class Sponsor-Chairperson; Jane May for the Student Council assignment; Kelsey Herrera for extra duty for Assistant Volleyball and Michelle LeForce as volunteer assistant for Volleyball. Terri Lira has been hired as extra duty Co-G/T Coordinator at the Lamar Middle School. Other actions include Substitute Teacher Assignments for: Galan Burnett, Tiffany Buxton, Cheryl Ferris, Toni Lucero, Michael Martin, Tammy Turpin-Martinez, Andrea Schultz, Chad Sniff and Mike Gittings. Classified Substitute Approvals for Teacher Aides were given to: Tiffany Buxton, Toni Lucero Tammy Turpin-Martinez and Randall Ply as Custodian.
Superintendent David Tecklenburg told the board that student enrollment showed a slight increase of seven students for the starting year. An official tabulation for an annual state-wide count will be conducted in October. A CASB regional meeting will be held in Lamar on September 28 at the community building, and a representative from the school board will be determined after the November elections, to attend the state CASB meeting.
Three FFA student officers who attended the annual officers retreat in Alamosa presented the board with some of the video highlights of their trip, and a thank you note from former LHS student Adam Parker was read by the board. Parker was a recipient of a LEAF scholarship award.
By Russ Baldwin
Filed Under: community • Education • Featured • Lamar • School • Youth
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