News from Town of Holly

Landfill Changes:

Due to changes in state laws affecting the operation of the Holly Solid Waste Landfill, the Colorado Department of Health and Environment noticed the town of Holly this past summer of eleven deficiencies and two recommendations at the facility.  While all the deficiencies require action on the part of the town, roughly half are easily corrected and half require the services of an environmental services firm for remedy.  The recommendations call for an earthern berm around the standing fuel tank at the site, and the possibility of the landfill accepting friable asbestos in a separate designated disposal area.  CDPHE favors a friable asbestos receiving site at Holly because of the lack of permitted facilities on the Eastern High Plains.  Because the burden of cost to initiate the service would fall on the town, the Board of Trustees has given the directive that this measure should be made a part of the Request for Proposal requiring the engaged environmental services firm to complete an impact and cost analysis for this endeavor.
Customers of the landfill will see some immediate changes with respect to bringing waste to the fill and the paperwork required.  Not all loads will require additional paperwork, and Town of Holly personnel will make every effort to stream line the process for incoming loads that will require the additional time. 

Municipal Zoning Plan:

The Holly Board of Trustees continues to work toward a Municipal Zoning Plan that will help create and maintain a vital, cohesive, well-designed community while encouraging the most appropriate use of land through the Town.  Present development will be zoned to current use.  The Board wants to ensure that new land development is integrated into the community that will promote the health, safety, morals and general welfare of the town’s residents.  Public hearings will be announced prior to the end of the year, and information will be forthcoming for review. 

Wounded Warrior Project Announcement:

Sedgwick, KS resident Tony Brown, a marathon runner is planning to raise funds for the Wounded Warrior Project with a single person, 503 mile, non-stop run beginning at 11pm on Highway 50 on the Colorado-Kansas border.  His journey should last 160 hours before he arrives at his destination on the Kansas-Missouri border at midnight on September 11.  He hopes to raise $50,000 to help wounded soldiers returning from war zones:  endorsement comes from the American Legion.   Brown has held similar fund-raising runs in and around Dodge City, KS in the past.  Anyone interested in giving Tony Brown a send-off should meet at his point of beginning approximately one hour before the run begins. His training blog can be seen at

Information Provided from Holly Town Website


Filed Under: communityEventsHolly


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