Latest Employment Figures for S.E. Colorado Counties

The figures for the eight southeastern Colorado Counties are in percentages from July 2011 to July 2010. 

                                    July 2011        June 2011      July 2010 

Baca                            4.3                   4.2                   4.3

Bent                             8.4                   8.5                   8.0

Kiowa                           5.0                   4.6                   4.6

Kit Carson                     5.0                   5.1                   4.6

Las Animas                   9.1                   9.2                   9.6

Crowley                         9.3                   9.9                   10.4

Otero                             9.5                   9.8                   8.9

Prowers                         6.7                   6.8                   6.7 

Employers in Colorado added 3,200 nonfarm payroll jobs from June to July for a total of 2,241,500 jobs, according to the survey of business establishments. Government declined by 900 payroll jobs and the private sector added 4,100. 

At 8.5 percent, the unemployment rate was unchanged from the previous month based on household survey results. The labor force decreased by 7,600 to 2,674,400 and total employment decreased 5,300 to 2,447,900 causing the number of unemployed to drop 2,300. While the number of unemployed and labor force declined, the ratio of unemployed to the labor force remained unchanged as reflected in the unemployment rate. The national unemployment rate decreased from 9.2 to 9.1 percent over the same period.

The largest over the month private sector job gains in July were in leisure and hospitality, professional and business services, and manufacturing.  The largest declines were in construction, and trade, transportation and utilities.  

Over the year, the unemployment rate is down three-tenths of one percentage point from 8.8 percent in July 2010. The number of Coloradans participating in the labor force declined 8,500, total employment increased 1,600 and the number of unemployed decreased 10,100. The national unemployment rate declined from 9.5 to 9.1 percent from July 2010 to 2011.

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