Lamar Council Okays Initial Plans for Water Connect Project to PMC, High Plains Clinic
Russ Baldwin | Aug 09, 2011 | Comments 0
The Lamar City Council appointed City Administrator Bill Pfeilsticker to the Lamar Building Finance Corporation, replacing Ron Stock. Stock had been serving a ten year term that expires in 2019. Previous board of director presidents had been city administrators. The term will expire on November 8 of that year. Pfeilsticker was hired by the council to replace Stock this past July. The Lamar Building Finance Corporation approves the payments of the Certificates of Participation for the Community Building and Lamar Library. A representative from the Lamar Parks and Recreation Department and the Library board also serve on the Corporation.
Pfeilsticker explained to the council the need to replace a water main near Prowers Medical Center, along Memorial Drive in the city. A 25 year old, 14” cast iron main pipe supplies water to the hospital, High Plains Clinic and the Legacy and needs to be replaced. Plans call for the new main to be looped to provide independent water sources to each of the three facilities. The cost of the design and bidding process will cost $18,000 according to the city’s water engineering firm, TEC, which recommended the project. A portion of the actual project could be funded by ARRA and Revolving Fund loans. Mayor Roger Stagner noted the city has $400,000 remaining in the funding for future water projects. There was no timetable given to move ahead with construction.
The administrator explained the city’s on-going plan to replace outdated water meters with a “Radio-Read” system. $40,000 in Capital Improvements was requested by the water department for replacements in the 2011 budget. The cost for 108 three-quarter inch meters and 16, one-inch meters is $25,202.84. Pfeilsticker told the council this will be the only meter purchase the city makes in 2011. The council approved the expenditure.
Under contract provisions with the CDOT Aeronautical Board for improvements to the Lamar Airport, the city is required to provide a base contract detailing project costs. This past May, Jviation Inc. was awarded the engineering contract for future improvements at the airport for a five year term. The base contract describes the costs for professional services associated with preliminary designs, bidding requirements and construction management. Total costs for the airport project are $387,000 from CDOT and $43,000 from the city of Lamar with $36,000 for labor and equipment and $7,000 in cash. The project includes construction of a concrete tie down for heavy aircraft, concrete fuel containment at the fuel farm and asphalt reconstruction of a large portion of the airport tarmac. The completed project will improve drainage for the tarmac area at the airport.
In other action, the council decided on August 15 at 6pm at either the Cultural Events Center or the city council chambers for a joint meeting with the Prowers County Commissioners to discuss areas of common interest. Administrator Pfeilsticker noted the Sand & Sage Parade this year will be held August 13 at 10am and the annual free Ice Cream Social will begin at 6pm on August 18 at Willow Creek Park near the swimming pool parking lot.
By Russ Baldwin
Filed Under: Business • City • community • Economy • Featured • Lamar • Utilities
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