Lamar Chamber Honkers Visit OneMain Financial


Pictured Left to Right: Vincent Gearhart, Shirley Pampus, Brian Klouthis (OneMain Financial District Manager), Rich Lingle, Chris Allen, Mary Lou Austin, Axel Thurner, Cheryl Preisser, Denise Carder, Claudia Rodriquez and Bill Wootten Photo by Russ Baldwin

On July 8th, the Lamar Chamber of Commerce Honkers visited OneMain Financial to recognize them for their new business name.

OneMain Financial is now the new name for CitiFinancial located at 108 South Main, Lamar. Their hours of operation are: Monday, Wednesday, and Friday 8:30 AM to 5:30 PM and Tuesday and Thursday 10:00 AM to 7:00 PM.

OneMain Financial handles all types of personal loans as well as Real Estate loans. Call 336-7467 and they will be happy to help you with all of your lending needs!


Filed Under: BusinessChamber/Local BusinessEconomyLamar


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