National Wild Turkey Federation Banquet June 10

The 11th Annual Hunting Heritage Banquet of the NWTF Southern Colorado Longbeard’s Chapter will be held at the Lamar Elks Lodge 1319, Saturday, June 10 at 6pm.

Tickets for the dinner are $50 per person, and available at the door.  Price includes cost of dinner and a new or renewal NWTF membership.  The guest of honor will be State Representative, Wes McKinley, representing the 64th District in Colorado.

The NWTF was founded in 1973 and has a chapter in every state in the nation, including Canada and Mexico.  The Federation works for upland wildlife habitat conservation in North America.  Since its inception, the organization has spend over $331 million to conserve nearly 16 million acres of habitat, used by a variety of upland wildlife. 

An auction will be held during the evening.  Items include youth hunts, Florida fishing trips, and an Amazon Basin fishing expedition.  Dinner begins at 7:30pm.  Contact Dave Marsh, chapter president for information at 719-688-0306.

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