LCC Rodeo Standouts Get National Attention

Central Rocky Mountain Region Champions Tyler Schnaufer (Team Roping) and Carter Coble (Steer Wrestling) will compete in the College National Finals Rodeo in Casper, WY June 12-18. Tyler is currently ranked as the number one header in the National Intercollegiate Rodeo Association and Carter is 17th in the nation. “National rankings compare regions after each has held ten rodeos. Tyler has obviously had a great year leading all headers in points prior to the finals,” commented Lamar Community College Rodeo Coach Fred Sherwood. “National champions will be determined at Casper; both Tyler and Carter have an excellent chance of doing well.”

Schnaufer photo: Lamar Community College sophomore Tyler Schnaufer of Pueblo, header (right) and NJC partner Shay Carroll win the short round at the University of Wyoming Rodeo to clinch their team roping seat at the College National Finals Rodeo on June 12 -18.

Coble photo: Carter Coble of Hershey, NE, a sophomore at Lamar Community College, steer wrestling at the Laramie County CC last fall.


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