Colorado Agricultural Exports Grow over 31% in First Quarter of 2011
Russ Baldwin | Jun 15, 2011 | Comments 0
LAKEWOOD, Colo. – Colorado’s agricultural exports increased over 31 percent in the first quarter of 2011 over last year’s numbers, lead by increases in dairy and baking related products.
“Colorado’s farmers, ranchers and food processors are helping Colorado return to a strong, diverse economy,” stated Commissioner of Agriculture John Salazar, “I am confident that our continued focus on expanding exports will help Colorado’s economy recover.”
Colorado’s top agricultural exports
Overall, Colorado’s agricultural exports increased nearly $70 million (31.8 percent) in the first quarter of 2011.
Meat products represent over 61 percent of total exports and grew $39.6 million in the first quarter. Hides & skins exports increased $9.4 million for a 25 percent gain.
Dairy products (cheese, non fat dried milk and whey) increased $9.1 million.
Miscellaneous food exports consisted of herbal teas, beverage ingredients and other products, which increased over 47 percent.
Grain and seed exports dropped 25 percent with reduced exports of sunflower and planting seeds. A 92 percent increase in millet exports in the cereal category offset decreases in wheat and corn exports in the first quarter of 2011.
Colorado’s sugar exports are primarily lactose, which increased 56 percent while other sugars such as confectionary products decreased 24 percent.
Vegetable exports increased almost 32 percent, representing exports of edible dry beans, potatoes, onions carrots and tomatoes.
Colorado’s baking related products are primarily bread, pastry, cakes, biscuits and similar baked products, which increased over 62 percent.
In 2009, Colorado companies exported agricultural products to 105 countries. The Markets Division at the Colorado Department of Agriculture provides assistance to Colorado agricultural and food companies to develop market opportunities in Colorado, across the nation, and around the globe.
International marketing specialists are available to assist in beginning and expanding Colorado’s export markets. Assistance includes training for export operations, assessment of market options, international finance and accessing USDA funding support for exporters.
For more information on CDA’s markets division, visit
Filed Under: Agriculture • Business • Economy
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