Annual Cowboy Camp Meeting in Lamar
VPG | Jun 01, 2011 | Comments 0
The 18th Annual Rolling Hills, Cowboy Camp Meeting will be held this Thursday through Friday, June 2 through 5 at the Prowers County fairgrounds.
The meetings are an outgrowth of a tradition that dates back to over a century-plus, when churches and towns were few and far between on the western plains. Residents of small towns and ranches and farms would gather for several days of get-togethers and worship at a central location, presided over by one or several ministers. The camp meeting in Lamar is interdenominational and has activities planned for each of the three days for young and old and in-between. Steve Cody, Camp Evangelist from Lenepah, OK and Camp Music Minister, O.V. Keith from South Fork, CO, have organized the annual event.
Activities include prayer meetings, a community campfire supper which accepts donations only, a song service, plus evening and campfire services round out each evening. Activities for youth and children will be held from 9am to 4pm on Friday and Saturday and will range from bible studies to various games and even a water fight.
Call Jack Martin at 719-688-1987 or Steve Specht at 719-688-1468 for additional information.
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