Tinnes Appointed to Lamar School Board

Danny Tinnes was approved on a split vote to serve as the District F school board director until the November elections. He is replacing Constance Brase who recently moved from the District. The action was included on the agenda for a special board of education meeting for Wednesday, April 27. Tony Peck also interviewed for the position before the board. District F serves the general area north and east of Lamar in an area bordered in part by North 13th Street, West Washington, and an area north of Valco and the Canal Road. Other board members whose terms are expiring in November include Ron Peterson, Elizabeth Whitham and Allan Medina. During his interview with the board Tinnes said his top two priorities are the kids and teachers. He says the district needs to adhere to a chain of command which eventually filters up from teachers to principals to the superintendent and on to the board. Tinnes said regarding teacher tenure, he’s opposed to the idea of working for three years and coasting for 30, adding that a teacher’s evaluation needs to be performance based.

The RE-2 2011-2012 budget still needs trimming according to interim superintendent David Tecklenburg. The system will have an estimated 1,577 students attending class next fall, and total funding, he said, excluding Alta Vista Charter School and pre-school funding, comes to $10.18million. Tecklenburg informed the board that even with the budget cuts announced at the last board meeting, the district is $146,000 short of where it needs to be. He said he’s included a $100,000 contingency fund, and if it’s not touched through the year, the board will still be off $46,000 without having to develop a supplemental budget. Another anticipated financial impact will come from a reduction in Title Funding from the state, which could range between 5 to 15%. The announcement from the state should be out shortly. “We may have to make up the cut from the general fund,” he said, adding, “I’ve spoken with other superintendents and their estimates range between $20,000 at the minimum and as much as $88,000 if the 15% cut is enacted.”


Filed Under: CitycommunityEducationLamarSchoolThe Journal AlertYouth


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