Tea and Travels, Downtown Lamar

Something new this season,  a Progressive Spring Tea will be held from 12pm to 5pm, Thursday, April 14 at various downtown stores in Lamar.

Open to the public, you’re invited to begin your travels at Thoughts in Bloom for directions and your first necessary item for the tea.  Each stop at a participating store earns you another item needed for the tea at the end of your walking journey.  Each stop will offer a mystery special for those who take part until you come to the end of your journey, The Main Street Shoppe at 106 South Main.

A right proper tea includes English Trifle, scones, tea cookies and Devonshire Cream, and you’ll enjoy some other treats along the way.  Call your friends and form a group.  Call the Lamar Chamber of Commerce for information at 719-336-4379.


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