Pedal Power Comes to Lamar

Bicycle enthusiasts can test their mettle on the Enchanted Forest Century, a 100 mile ride between Lamar and Springfield Saturday, April 30.  The event, co-sponsored by Ron Farmer LLC and the Lamar Chamber of Commerce offers a 100 mile, 75 or 50 mile event with a rolling start between 6am and 10am.  A 10 mile Family Fund Ride is also available and it also features a rolling start between 6am and 10am.  You must be at least 14 to enter the longer rides, and at least 10 for the family ride.  Safety equipment is required.

Afternoon activities have been planned at the Forest through the afternoon and vendors are welcome to set up their booths.  Drawings for girls and boys bikes will be held, a bike safety seminar has been planned and bike vendors, massage therapists and food vendors have already signed on.  Each contestant will receive a gift bag containing assorted coupons and information flyers.   Cost per entry for the longer rides is $60, and $20 per family for the short entry.  Volunteers are needed to man aid stations along the route.  Registration forms and waiver are available from the Lamar Chamber of Commerce at 719-336-4379.   May 7 is the weather-related, contingency date.


Filed Under: communityEventsLamarSportsTourism


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