Lamar City Sales Tax Revenue Shows Monthly Increase
VPG | Apr 12, 2011 | Comments 0
Although the February city sales tax collected in March was off by less than a quarter of a percent, Total Sales and Use Tax Collections were up 2.82% for an increase of $6,578.20. Year-to-Date collections for both categories showed an increase of 5.78%, or $45,237.25 for that period. Total tax collections amount to $828,461.79.
Sales tax collections in the 12 retail categories showed year-to-date increases in all but one category, Building Materials. Grocery sales and restaurants showed the greatest increase, comparing 2011 to 2010: Grocery stores in 2010 had $64,194.06 collected, compared to this year of $81,844.38. Restaurant taxes for the same period grew from $72,163.93 to $78,186.43.
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