Lamar Planning to Bid to Host State High School Rodeo Finals
VPG | Mar 30, 2011 | Comments 0
Pat Palmer, Cade Spitz and Tim Tunink approached the Prowers County Commissioners March 29 with options involved in having Lamar and Prowers County host the 2012 and 2013 Colorado State High School Rodeo Finals. The events were held in Lamar for the first time in 2009 and 2010, after which Craig, Colorado received the two-year contract.
Chamber board member Axel Thurner, and Chana Reed, Chamber secretary were on hand to pledge the support of the Lamar Chamber to help organize and conduct the week-long June event for the next two years. The county commissioners asked why, when Lamar has been deemed the host site and not Prowers County, were the commissioners being approached first for funding and assistance. Pat Palmer replied that without the use of the fairgrounds or arena, there would be no rodeo, so the county was the first logical place to begin.
There are fees to be paid, from the community to the rodeo association, beginning with a cash donation of $14,000 to CSHSRA, as well as no charges for the use of the fairgrounds, a saddle for the boys and girls all-around champion estimated at $1,500, a 50/50 split on all gate admissions and a 70/30 split for electrical hookup fees with the host committee getting the 30%. Despite these provisions, a host community can generate revenue through motels, meals and shopping while several hundred persons are on hand for the rodeo activities.
The county had help from Dragon Enterprises two years ago, when the company donated at no charge, two sets of FEMA-type shower stalls which served the rodeo contestants at the fairgrounds. The water hookups used two years ago are still available, according to Commissioner Gene Millbrand, but he didn’t know if Dragon would waive any of the costs as they did before, including transport to and from the Dragon Company site in Texas. Millbrand said he would make inquiries.
The $14,000 contract fees would be paid for by the Lodging Tax Panel, and such contract fees are allowable under the Panel by-laws. Panel members will need to determine if sufficient funds are available by June, 2012.
The logistics for the annual enterprise are comprehensive, including 24/7 security, transportation, crowd control and medical and building availability. Chana Reed said Lamar Community College was a welcome asset two years ago, as they provided host sites, for various rodeo activities. All three commissioners said they felt it would be to everyone’s advantage to include the city in host activities, especially for needed volunteer work, to help ensure a successful venture. Lamar and the county aren’t a shoe-in, as the state rodeo board will still have to make a selection among those cities who are in the bidding to host the annual event.
Filed Under: Agriculture • Business • Entertainment • Lamar • Recreation • Sports • Youth
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