Final Planning Develops for 2011 Relay for Life in Lamar
VPG | Mar 24, 2011 | Comments 0
The monetary goal for this year’s Relay for Life is $68,000 with 45 teams. Achieving that level will help qualify the Lamar organization for Pacesetter recognition for the 2011 season. Pacesetter standards show Relay committees what they should be striving to attain, and aid the Great West Division recognize events that show exemplary progress and commitment throughout the Relay planning process. Lamar can achieve that recognition if 45 teams are registered by May 4, and show an increase in net income from the previous year.
As of March 24, 36 teams had registered with 210 participants signed up to participate, and $6,636 had been raised. The next planning meeting will be April 4 at 6:30pm at the Lamar United Methodist Church. The Relay for Life for 2011 is set for June 4/5 at Savage Stadium in Lamar. Log onto to enter your team or find out additional information about the annual fundraiser event. Proceeds are donated to the American Cancer Society for cancer research.
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