Southeast Colorado November Employment Figures Climb

Colorado’s seasonally adjusted unemployment rate increased two-tenths of one percentage point to 8.6 percent in November, according to Donald J. Mares, Executive Director of the Colorado Department of Labor and Employment. “For the first time in three years we’ve now had three consecutive months of wage and salary job growth,” Mares said. “While the unemployment rate is increasing at the same time we’re adding jobs, this seeming contradiction is easily explained by the number of people returning to the labor force.”

The number of working Coloradans fell 2,400 over the month to 2,433,900. The civilian labor force increased 4,500 to 2,663,800. The number of residents unsuccessfully looking for work increased 6,900 over the month to 229,900. One year ago, total employment was 2,457,200, the civilian labor force was 2,652,700 and the number of unemployed was 195,500. The civilian labor force has increased 11,100 since November 2009.

The unemployment rate (not seasonally adjusted) increased in 62 of Colorado’s 64 counties and decreased in two. The lowest rate was 3.9 percent in Cheyenne County and the highest was 15.8 percent in Dolores County. In November 2009, the unemployment rate increased in 45 counties, decreased in 14 counties and remained unchanged in five. Last year, the lowest rate was 2.7 percent in Cheyenne County and the highest was 14.1 percent in Dolores County.

Percentages for Southeast Colorado Counties are as follows:

Nov 2010    Oct 2010    Nov 2009

Baca                            4.6                   4.0                   3.7

Bent                             8.6                   7.4                   6.1

Kiowa                          4.8                   4.5                   4.4

Kit Carson                   5.2                   4.5                   3.7

Las Animas                  8.9                   8.4                   7.6

Crowley                       10.9                 9.7                   8.7

Otero                           8.8                   7.9                   6.7

Prowers                       6.8                   6.1                   5.2

Filed Under: Employment


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