RSSAll Entries Tagged With: "Linda Groat"

"Thar She Blows!!"  Whale Sighted at Parkview Elementary School

“Thar She Blows!!” Whale Sighted at Parkview Elementary School

  Take about 60 fifth graders, several hundred feet of black plastic sheeting, a few rolls of tape, some scissors, lots of patience and a couple of box fans and you’ve got your afternoon cut out for you.  Linda Groat, Kevin Mahan and Todd Marriott from the Division of Parks and Wildlife, plus fifth grade […]

Family Fishing Clinics May 4 at Turk's Pond and John Martin

Family Fishing Clinics May 4 at Turk’s Pond and John Martin

LAMAR, Colo. – Boys and girls of all ages are invited to attend Colorado Parks and Wildlife’s free fishing clinics in lower Arkansas River Valley this month. “These events are geared toward children and are a great way for kids to learn how to improve their fishing skills and have some fun,” said Linda Groat, […]

Dirt + Water + Bugs + Kids = Education

Dirt + Water + Bugs + Kids = Education

Aaron Bartleson Pointing Out Debris in Willow Creek Lamar Parkview Elementary School students went into the field this past chilly Wednesday, April 17, accompanied by members of the Colorado Division of Parks and Wildlife.  The students got only as far as Willow Creek Park, but that was far enough to supply the basic teaching materials […]

Lamar hosts annual goose fest - Feb. 23-26

Lamar hosts annual goose fest – Feb. 23-26

LAMAR HOSTS ANNUAL GOOSE FEST – FEB. 23-26 LAMAR, Colo. – Each morning in southeast Colorado at this time of year, tens of thousands of snow geese lift off local ponds and reservoirs in a pre-dawn ritual. The swirl of flapping wings and din of honking grows louder as the birds circle overhead and make […]

Clearing and Cleaning the Path

Clearing and Cleaning the Path

    An assortment of volunteers turned out for a clean-up day on the Willow Creek Nature Trail in the woods to the rear of Lamar Community College Friday, May 13th. The project ran from 9am to Noon with over a dozen young men and women showing up for their assignments. Linda Groat from the […]

Colorado Division of Wildlife

Bait Your Hook, and Throw Your Line, the Day is Sunny, the Fishing’s Fine

It’s a day of free fishing, Saturday, April 16 from 10am to 2pm, courtesy of the Division of Wildlife.  Residents of Lamar, Holly, Carlton, Bristol and Granada can fish for free, but 16 years or older will need a current fishing license.   Lunch will be provided too. Poles and bait will be provided for kids […]