All Entries Tagged With: "Las Brisas Restaurant"
Lamar Police Department and Domestic Safety Sign Agreement
Lamar Mayor, Roger Stagner, signed a memorandum of understanding between the Lamar Police Department and the Domestic Safety Resource Center as outlined by Lamar Police Chief, Kyle Miller and Kathy McCorkle, Executive Director of DSRC. The MOU will help to provide assistance to victims of domestic crimes, as the Center currently provides such items as […]
Las Brisas Upgrades Considered by Urban Renewal Authority, Taco Johns to Re-Open
The Lamar Redevelopment Authority Board considered a request from Alfred Bergquist and Armando Bieza for funding to help remodel their restaurant, Las Brisas, at 300-302 South Main Street in Lamar this past Monday, May 11th. Bergquist wants to continue to make improvements to the property which he purchased in 2013. Funds from the Urban […]