RSSAll Entries Tagged With: "KFC"

Year in Review 2014:  November/December

Year in Review 2014: November/December

  November: As 2014 began to close the City of Lamar had plans for future activities.  The city will thought to take advantage of CDOT’s deep resurfacing project along US Highway 287/Main Street through Lamar next year, and will replace all the affected water and storm water lines during the highway construction.  JVA Consulting Engineers […]

KFC Bought, Sold, and Changing

KFC Bought, Sold, and Changing

Word has it that the former KFC in Lamar, vacant now after over 30 years of franchise operation, has been bought and will become a new eatery in Lamar.  Lamar realtor Don Filbeck states that the building is expected to become an Asian restaurant featuring a take-out menu.   No timetable has been given for any […]