All Entries Tagged With: "Jennifer Wells"
Are Your Finances Ready for an Emergency?
Financial Emergency Preparedness Have you ever thought of financial emergency preparedness? We are often told to be prepared for a storm or an electrical outage, but finances are not mentioned. What happens if there is a fire, a theft or maybe a death? In a natural disaster your important documents could […]
Financial Emergency Preparedness
Have you ever thought of financial emergency preparedness? We are often told to be prepared for a storm or an electrical outage, but finances are not mentioned. What happens if there is a fire, a theft or maybe a death? In a natural disaster your important documents could be totally destroyed. Sales receipts and […]
Local CSU Extension Provides Do-It-Yourself Energy Assessment
South East Area Extension Offices Offer New Home Energy Audit Loan Program The power is in your hands—CSU Southeast Area Extension Offices have a new set of tools to loan out to aid you in conducting an audit of energy use (and waste) in your home. Part of our Home Energy Audit Loan program […]
Celebrate World Pasta Day October 25
Americans consume 6 billion pounds of pasta annually; this is approximately 19 pounds per person. Do you eat your share? October 25 is recognized as World Pasta Day. United States ranks 7th behind Italy, Venezuela, Tunisia, Greece, Switzerland, and Sweden in pasta consumption. The top producers of pasta are Italy and the U.S. along with […]
SERVsafe Trainings Scheduled in Southern Colorado
The “Cottage Food Bill” passed by the Colorado Legislature in 2012 allows residents to sell specific foods that have been produced in their home; sellers must be certified in safe food handling and processing. Colorado State University Extension is offering ServSafe Food Protection Managers Certification Training to meet this requirement. ServSafe Training is scheduled June […]
Egg Safety for Easter
The Hunt for the Easter Egg Children will be on the hunt this weekend for the prized Easter eggs. Coloring eggs can be a great family activity that children will remember for years to come. Growing up my family colored eggs on Good Friday and dinner that evening was a light meal with the […]