All Entries Tagged With: "Arkansas River Basin"

CWCB/Dept of Natural Resources-January 2016 Drought Update
Snowpack through the first quarter of the water year (October- September) was above normal for nearly the entire state and well above normal in the San Juan Mountains. A cool and wet December helped to alleviate abnormally dry conditions over the majority of the state. Long-term forecast favor the state for continued above average […]

CWCB Drought Update, October 2015
Following a very warm and dry start to the fall, November to-date has seen more seasonal temperatures west of the divide and increased precipitation on the west slope and northeastern plains. This has helped to alleviate abnormally dry conditions over parts of the state. Storage levels in some basins are at the highest levels since […]

Drought Information Statement-Southeast Colorado Benefits from Warm/Wet October
October began with warm and dry conditions with several new daily maximum temperature records set across the area through the first half of the month. However, two moist Pacific weather systems brought some beneficial rain and higher elevation snowfall to areas along the Continental Divide and southeast Plains through the last half of the month, […]

September Drought Update from CWCB
Warm dry conditions have continued across much of eastern Colorado, while the mountains have seen near average precipitation so far this month. Drier conditions have resulted in declining soil moisture levels, but overall evapotranspiration rates are below average for the season, and pasture conditions and harvest yields are reportedly good. Water providers are also reporting […]

S.E. Colorado is Dryer, But Still Rated Drought Free
A Drought Information Statement from the National Weather Service indicates that as of September 12, 2015, despite some drying conditions, south central and southeast Colorado remains drought free. August was a generally warm and dry month across most of that region, save for some areas of precipitation across the southeast plains. The warmer and mainly […]

Colorado Water Conservation Board, August 2015 Drought Update
Colorado Water Conservation Board, August 2015 Drought Update Colorado remains largely drought free despite decreased precipitation in late July and early August. This is in part due to moderate summer temperatures over the same time period. Drier conditions in recent weeks have led to declining soil moisture levels, but overall evapotranspiration rates are below average […]

Drought Conditions Improving for Southeast Region
Update from Colorado Water Conservation Bureau A cool and wet May has eliminated drought conditions across much of Colorado. With 31 weather stations recording the wettest month ever, statewide May 2015 was the wettest May since record keeping began in 1895. In total much of the state experienced 300% of normal May precipitation. June temperatures […]

Rains Reducing Drought in S.E. Colorado
Drought Information Statement from National Weather Service Record to near record precipitation throughout May has ended the drought across most of southeastern Colorado. A very stormy month has produced widespread rainfall of two to four inches across most of south central and southeast Colorado, with pockets of six to eight inches of rain recorded across […]

April 2015 Drought Update from CWCB
Colorado has been warm and dry for so far this spring. March was four degrees above average across much of the state making it the 6th warmest on record. In addition, the three week period from March 9- April 1, 2015 was one of the driest on record. As of April 14th, many river basins […]

Severe Drought Conditions Expanding in S.W. Colorado
The National Weather Service has updated the state Drought Impact Statement for this past month. March of 2015 came in like a lion and left like a lamb across south central and southeast Colorado. The weather pattern for February continued into March, cool and unsettled. A much warmer and dry weather pattern developed through the […]

S.E. Colorado Drought Update
February showed a tale of two seasons across southeast Colorado. The first half of the month was very warm with average temperatures running 10 degrees or more above average through the first 20 days of the month. The first half also saw mainly dry conditions across the area with two weather systems bringing some […]

Warm and Dry Winter Weather for S.E. Colorado
January was the 15th warmest on record as well as being the driest January statewide since 2003. February precipitation to date statewide is 81% of average. D1 drought conditions have been introduced to the western slope. In the next two weeks, much needed precipitation is forecasted to come to the state that could benefit […]

CPW Using Helicopters to Inventory Wildlife
COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. – Colorado Parks and Wildlife is taking to the skies in search of big game animals. Over the next two months CPW employees in the southeast region will fly across large portions of wildlife habitat in search of animals to classify by sex and age, while others will gather biological data on […]

Drought Information Statement from NWS
November in Colorado experienced temperature extremes, starting out warm in the eastern Plains. The month saw at or below normal precipitation across most of south central and southeastern Colorado, except for portions of the Continental Divide and the southeast mountains which saw well above normal precipitation. Despite generally below normal precipitation across much of the […]

CWCB Drought Update for November 2014
Warm and dry conditions persisted throughout October and early November, with October 2014 the sixth warmest on record. However, recent precipitation and below average temperatures have resulted in improved snow accumulation across the state. The Arkansas basin, which has been the hardest hit by the drought, has received significant beneficial moisture this fall, and is […]

Drought Information Statement from NWS-Pueblo
Widespread precipitation, running between one to three inches, has been recorded across much of the drought stricken southeastern Colorado Plains throughout the first two weeks of October. This, along with abundant summer precipitation associated with the southwest monsoon, has allowed for additional improvements in the multi-year drought across portions of south central and southeast […]

NWS Summer Weather Recap
June through August began warm and dry across most of south central and southeast Colorado, save for some spotty heavy precipitation across the southeast plains due to early season thunderstorms. The southwest monsoon kicked in early and was very active through that month, leading to abundant and much needed precipitation across the area, […]

August 2014 Drought Update: S.E. Colorado Sees Some Relief
Mild temperatures and above average precipitation across much of the state has brought continued drought relief to the eastern plains. The four corners region is experiencing less precipitation and deteriorating conditions. Monsoon rains could potentially help alleviate the drying. Water providers indicated that storage levels remain strong, with many reservoirs near or at capacity and […]

Drought Conditions Persist for Southeast Colorado Areas
Activations of the State Drought Mitigation and Response Plan, and the Agricultural Impact Task Force remain in effect to respond to ongoing drought conditions throughout Colorado. Drought conditions remain in southern Colorado, but have abated in much of the northern portion of the state. While April was slightly warmer than normal, May to date has […]

Water Supply Outlook from Pueblo National Weather Service
As of May 1 the 2014 snowpack was highly variable across the Arkansas Basin of Southeast Colorado, ranging from above average north of highway 50 to below average south of 50. Across the Rio Grande Basin, the snowpack was below average across nearly the entire basin. Specifically, the Arkansas Basin snowpack measured 99% of […]