RSSAll Entries Tagged With: "Arapaho"

1,000 Visitors Attend Sand Creek 150th Anniversary

1,000 Visitors Attend Sand Creek 150th Anniversary

1,000 join in weekend of ceremonies, events to mark 150 years since Sand Creek Massacre KIOWA COUNTY, CO –Native American descendants of the victims of one of the darkest chapters in U.S. history gathered with supporters and other park visitors Saturday and Sunday to recognize those brutally killed 150 years ago at the Sand Creek […]

John Evans

Evans’ “Proclamation to the Friendly Indians”

This article is part of a series by the National Park Service concerning the 150th Anniversary of the Sand Creek Massacre. As rising tensions and several murders contributed to war on the High Plains in the summer of 1864, Colorado Territorial Governor John Evans proclaimed that “the friendly Indians of the Plains” needed to go to […]

Between Fort Laramie and Fort Wise – A Tale of Two Treaties

Between Fort Laramie and Fort Wise – A Tale of Two Treaties

This article is part of a series by the National Park Service concerning the 150th Memorial of the Sand Creek Massacre. Whether it was for California’s gold fields or Oregon’s verdant farmland, pioneer families traveled the Oregon Trail in the 1840s, moving across traditional Native American lands to new domains. Settlers and American Indians competed over […]