RSSAll Entries Tagged With: "Altek"

2014 Year in Review-May/June

2014 Year in Review-May/June

  The close of 2014 will put us at the halfway mark for the decade.  Some use the passage of time as a measuring tool…how much have we done…how much time have we got left.  But the timetable for a city or county should probably be measured in accomplishments, not a calendar.  Some projects and […]

Pelsue Returns to Lamar

Pelsue Returns to Lamar

  Pelsue in Englewood, Colorado has recently reopened its assembly center for Fiber Optic Splicing Trailers in Lamar.  Mike Bryant, who was hired as the manager of the business, said the staff has been in operation for about five weeks.  The Pelsue shop, located on the west side of Highway 287 and south of Spreading […]